Get your Clothes On! Move On!
We will all face a broken or dead relationship at one point or another in life. Its crucial to know the power of moving forward and becoming bigger and better after the hurt.
I challenge you to deal with any relationships that need closure in your life, it’s a great way of getting your emotional health back, and your life back
1. Grieving is necessary: Take the time you need to grieve your loss. It may be a job, a loved one who passed on, a divorce, end of an engagement, or whatever. The reason we mourn is to bring closure to the emotional attachment that we had with the person, and its extremely important to do that. Its also good to note that grief is private and personal and people manifest it differently. Since no two people are alike, go through it your way, and if someone close to you is grieving, allow them to get the emotions out, without necessarily going overboard. Also, remember that grieving MUST have a specified period. I suggest up to six months or so depending on your recovery pace. This is key because if you extend it for too long, then it becomes a black hole that sucks the life out of you and everything else around you!
2. Pack and Bury the past: Once done with the grieving phase, begin to dispose things that still hold attachments to the dead relationship. Give away pictures, clothes, things that take you back to the same emotional mold. I usually suggest having personal ceremony to either set a bonfire, tearing it up session, flushing away, or whatever that will cause you to let go. Remember it may have a strong emotional feel to it as you let go of the past. But it’s important and something that you need to do to Close that chapter.
3. Forgive them and Yourself: Forgiveness frees us from the pain of what was done to us, or what we did to them. Remember, in a lot of these situations, there is really nothing you can do to turn things around, so you may just as well as release others, God, and yourself, and promise to be a better person next time. By leaving the past behind, some people feel like they are offending the other person. This is a big lie. If you are a widow or widower, The best thing you could ever do to the departed partner is to keep the memory in your heart, but find someone else to love and give your life to. Trust me, you are not offending nobody!
4. Pick a hobby or career or passion in life: find something to define your life away from what it always has been. Take another language class, learn to drive or bike, pursue interior design, Hike a mountain, travel to another country… whatever thing you are passionate about. What this does is it channels your pent up emotional energy into a cause that will enrich your life meaningfully.
5. Change your wardrobe: Clothes define who you are and where you are going. They also hold the events of our lives. Have you noticed how you feel when you are wearing something new and different? Well, Get rid of your clothes and buy yourself some new ones, shoes, underwear, makeup, Beddings, the interior of your house of office. It is amazingly refreshing as you step out and not only feel new on the inside, but new on the outside!
6. Open yourself up to relationships and possibilities: If you are still interested in finding a spouse, another boy or girlfriend, Change your language and start living as someone that’s single, and searching!
If you don’t make this change, you may have moved on in every area of your life but never meet someone that will get things going as you will still be hanging on to what was! Open yourself up, go out to parties and events, reconnect with old friends and actually be ready to be involved with someone else without dragging the past in!
7. The future is always better than the past!: This incredible revelation has the power to break depression, defeat, death, failure, rejection and all that junk that goes with failed and ended relationships.
You Must live with hope! It will beautify your life and cause you to see when good things come.
Even if you find yourself being the greatest critic or love, marriage, relationships and men or women, don’t hold on to that notion, because it’s founded on pain and hopelessness. Lift up your eyes, get yourself up, and get back into the fight of life.
After all, it’s only when we get into the war zone that we stand any chance of victory!
Ended relationships are painful. But they are a part of life. We must learn to deal with them accordingly. We must arm ourselves with truth so we don’t become statistics of bitterness and failure, but of rising up and moving forward into new, better, bigger, and more blessed relationships!
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