It’s the church’s fault I’m still single! And I have evidence to prove it!
There are some pretty mad people out there. Not mad insane, mad Angry. Very angry. They have found out they were conned or taken. And the sad thing is, they believe it’s the church’s fault. As a pastor, I’m bothered that the church has somewhat contributed to a lot of the singleness we see around, and to some extent, the relational messes we see people battling with. Truth is; the church has brought a lot of healing and restoration to a lot of people in relationships. Probably more than we could ever quantify. I’m not minimizing that at all. But when we as church leaders put up ridiculous expectations on single young people, trying to control who they are and what they are to do, we limit their ability to interact with others and really put off any good chances of them finding marriage partners at the right time. No wonder we are being overrun with accusations of keeping aged caged frustrated singles! I personally believe Marriage is up to us, not...