Get your Clothes On! Move On!
We will all face a broken or dead relationship at one point or another in life. Its crucial to know the power of moving forward and becoming bigger and better after the hurt. I challenge you to deal with any relationships that need closure in your life, it’s a great way of getting your emotional health back, and your life back 1. Grieving is necessary : Take the time you need to grieve your loss. It may be a job, a loved one who passed on, a divorce, end of an engagement, or whatever. The reason we mourn is to bring closure to the emotional attachment that we had with the person, and its extremely important to do that. Its also good to note that grief is private and personal and people manifest it differently. Since no two people are alike, go through it your way, and if someone close to you is grieving, allow them to get the emotions out, without necessarily going overboard. Also, remember that grieving MUST have a specified period. I suggest up to six months...