7 Things husbands Need to Know About their Pregnant Wives

Love is awesome. So awesome, it barely comes alone. When a couple makes love, it's not just excitement that happens, its babies as well. And babies, well, they are a whole new ball game. They introduce an incredibly challenging, super demanding, dynamic in relationships that some people opt out of it altogether.
The enormous changes that happen to a woman, (And rarely unspoken, the man) during pregnancy can cause significant tension in the home. Here are seven things Men, as the leaders of their homes need to know and do to help women navigate this delicate season.
1. Her Sex Drive will change: Pregnancy introduces intense and often severe hormonal changes in her body. Her sense of smell is acutely keen, her weight here and there (and mostly there),
and a whole lot of other things. For some women, (lucky fellas) her sex drive hits an all time high (Ah, these puns). But for many others, it's the opposite that happens. She is totally turned off by even the thought of sex. Your manly calling at this point is to be the servant king. Rather than push and demand for sex, which most men tend towards, much to the detriment of the relationship, allow her to communicate how she prefers for things to work at this point, then GO ALONG.
2. She Will be emotional: As though PMS and other regular moods aren't hard enough to deal with, pregnancy pushes many women to the edge. She might cry at the sight of the moon, make ludicrous claims about your love for her, or even feud over your choice of tie. Your maturity test is to handle her challenging phases with a bucket load of calm. Don't take those moments too seriously, instead, listen (mostly), talk to her and try spending time doing things she considers important to her, it pays off later on.
3. She will need to see a doctor: Pregnancy and hospital visits are a dime a dozen. Many of the times we went to see the doctor, most women came alone, or with the help. A couple of times i would see a husband or two looking squeamish as the nurses talked about tender boobs and emergency birthing on the street. While it certainly isn't always possible, try and make time to go with her see the doctor. Trust me, It helps you be more compassionate of what women go through to have our babies.
4. She will have body aches and swellings: Swollen feet, hurting backs and constipated bellies hover around much. At times even the best of men can feel overwhelmed by the constant body ache complaints. A back rub, washing her feet, and massaging her aches not only helps her feel and sleep better, they create some of the most interesting conversations you'll ever have in the relationship. Take advantage of it.
5. She will be tired: Towards the last months of the pregnancy, even a simple task like picking up a plate becomes a majorly exhausting chore. Being a help at this time will help her conserve her energy and also model true manliness especially if you have other kids who will be learning how men treat their pregnant wives.
6. She will be sensitive: It's easy along the nine months to  feel exasperated at times because of the many challenges that come along the journey. Its easier at times to make snide remarks about her looks, or what she no longer is able to do and so on and so forth. This can hurt, and can bring problems later on. See, being pregnant is not a fault, much less hers. Speak wisely even when you feel agitated by the many changes and demands you have to bear because of the pregnancy
7. She will need your Fidelity: Most affairs are born between  a pregnancy and the time the baby turns one. even with diminished sexual intimacy, and pressure from work, and female 'friends' that want to hear you out, it will behoove you to make an innate decision to remain faithful and invest your energies in your work, and to bless your spouse and family.

Do you have thoughts I haven't captured? Please share with me in the comments below.

I'm just sayin'

image courtesy of (http://charlottecarrendar.com)


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