Future Kind Hands for my Little Princess

Men do change. Obviously. They become fat after marriage. For the most part.
Even then, Wardrobe changes are not the only big things that happen after tying the knot. Oh, and i'm not sanctioning overeating and poor dieting among men. It doesn't help that when this happens, one enters the league of 'able men', according to some shagz mudu. The fact that just because you look like a Roto water tank will open amazing doors for you compounds men's woes. More so when you are home for Christmas. You suddenly become the go to man. The 'made' man. Don't mind the fact that you may die tomorrow because all your arteries are cholesterol clogged.
Nonetheless fat fathers have something else that trip up their hearts. In their endeavors to be good men that fulfill their life's responsibilities, they sire daughters.
Now there is nothing wrong with that. In facts it's to be commended. Every man loves his daughters.
The are cute, they are tender, they are very affectionate and can terribly turn you to mush. Quickly. Thing is, daughters have this way of worming into their fathers heart and winning it over. They set up small thrones in there from where they exercise their ability to rule while charming you at the same time flawlessly. Its in the most intriguing thing you'll ever see.
Ever seen a father in Naku-matt with a 4 year old girl walking down the aisle?
"Dad i want this vase."  She says, pointing to overpriced Persian glassware.
 No sweetie, i can't get you the vase, you don't need it.
She pouts. Insert a 'you don't love me' face here
Father gets on one knee, "I'll get you something else. Please understand...."
Fast forward as they walk out 25 minutes later, daughter is sucking on a lolly, happily holding daddy's hand and a vase in the grocery bag.
A vase the man had never thought about until 25 minutes ago.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how a grown man capitulates to the whims of a 4 year old.
I have one, so don't ask me how i know.
So, since the man's heart is no longer his own, (Remember there is a little princess with a magic wand in there.. ) the rest is normally downhill from there on. Especially when she begins to realize her dad is not necessarily the most handsome man on the planet.
Her little royal highness wants to go find another heart to rule.
And there the woes begin for Dad.
Men are jealous beings. And terribly so. Thing is, you don't see it until it's time for him to have to be nice to another young man who does not look at her the way he does.
Warries an Prableims *(My attempt at Jamaican).
When that time comes, the biggest question going through his heart is this;
Is there another man fit enough for me to let take my daughter to his house without me going over there with a shotgun?
That question plagues every man that has a beautiful daughter. Even the most fearless of them always has this dreadful thought once in a while. Will the glove fit? Will the root take, will he be nice enough, cultured enough, moneyed enough, kind enough.....? Will he?
Especially when he sees the kind of young men I see these days. Oh Lawd!
I know this worried dad is going to be me some day. Some 16 years or so from now.
I don't know what i will do. I don't know what i will say.
I do know one thing though. I'm doing my best to mentor, to speak into, to shape and father as many young men as possible. Not just so my girl will have a man that can take care of her that i raised, but so that a random father with a beautiful princess like me will someday go to sleep on her wedding day knowing that her girl is in good hands. Safe hands. Kind hands.
Hands of love that will bring her joy.
For the rest of her days.
And hoping another young father somewhere is doing the same.
For my princess

I'm just sayin...


Warhia said…
Boss, this is a grand read much.
Life Signatures said…
This is mushy and sobering. Sniff sniff.
Anonymous said…
This sends me thinking...... What will he be thinking less than 10months from today?

....just saying!!!!
Milli said…
My little girl has hubby round her little finger. If his heart is not in his chest then trust me she knows just where it is. It amazes me, the way he loves her. Totally, truly daddy's girl.
Joseph Kabera said…
True Story! Be to your wife the man you'd want your daughter to have?
Yiengi said…
I know... I, is one! *cheeky grin*
John K Kimbe said…
Fantastic read. All Fathers on the planet can relate. I always I I pity the very first young man who'll be introduced to me with the words "daddy meet my boyfriend"
tigitech said…
Awesome read... I have two of those princesses and I tell you, it's not easy but it's always rewarding when you see that smile on their faces after they have "won"

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