
Showing posts from February, 2012

Future Kind Hands for my Little Princess

Men do change. Obviously. They become fat after marriage. For the most part. Even then, Wardrobe changes are not the only big things that happen after tying the knot. Oh, and i'm not sanctioning overeating and poor dieting among men. It doesn't help that when this happens, one enters the league of 'able men', according to some shagz mudu. The fact that just because you look like a Roto water tank will open amazing doors for you compounds men's woes. More so when you are home for Christmas. You suddenly become the go to man. The 'made' man. Don't mind the fact that you may die tomorrow because all your arteries are cholesterol clogged. Nonetheless fat fathers have something else that trip up their hearts. In their endeavors to be good men that fulfill their life's responsibilities, they sire daughters. Now there is nothing wrong with that. In facts it's to be commended. Every man loves his daughters. The are cute, they are tender, they are v...